Unit tasks
Organizational Linkage:
This unit is organizationally linked to the Alumni Center.
Main Objective of the Administration:
Oversee cooperative training at the university and coordinate with supporting and training entities regarding all activities related to this program to ensure the success of the training process while enhancing the skills and abilities of students acquired during their academic studies.
Responsibilities of the Administration:
The training unit is responsible for the following tasks:
Communicating with supportive entities for the programs (such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.) to obtain their motivational support, which includes encouraging training entities to participate in training programs by providing new training opportunities or increasing available opportunities, as well as securing financial support for program activities.
I assist college training units when there is a shortage of training opportunities and coordinate this with training entities.
Coordinating with all college training units regarding student registration procedures and preparing for meetings related to preparing students for the training program.
Providing legal, organizational, and procedural advice to college training units during the training phase and all other stages of the training program.
Following up on the annual reports of the college training units and benefiting from the submitted recommendations.Preparing the annual report on student training at the university based on reports from the training units in the colleges and submitting it to the Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs.
Developing cooperative training in coordination with the colleges and training entities in the public and private sectors (if necessary, in collaboration with the Permanent Committee for Curricular Plans) to meet the requirements of the Saudi labor market.
Enhancing cooperative relationships with training entities through cooperation agreements or memoranda of understanding.
Supporting the university's colleges in designing and implementing comprehensive cooperative training programs that provide a mature training environment and meet the needs of graduates, the university, and the labor market.
Administrative and Technical Linkage Between the Cooperative Training Unit and Training Units.